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SILDEDA SRL - VAT 15407216

Report about the company SILDEDA SRL - VAT 15407216 | J29/756/2003 | Ploiesti

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Address: -, Ploiesti, Prahova, Romania
Phone: 02445...
E-mail: -
Website: -
Primary activity
Company age
19 years
Emergency Certificates
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Check SILDEDA SRL - VAT 15407216 in QBIX

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Company Profile SILDEDA SRL - VAT 15407216

Fiscal Code
Registration Number
Registration Date

Legal Profile SILDEDA SRL - VAT 15407216

0 Files
Commercial Trials
0 Files
State Contracts
Payment Incidents

Check SILDEDA SRL - VAT 15407216 in the ICAP specialized reports

The Icapb2b application is specially designed for professionals in the field of financial credit risk management.

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Financial Profile SILDEDA SRL - VAT 15407216

Profit / Loss Indicators 2005
2005 vs 2004
2004 vs 2003
Turnover  392.819
Total Revenues  399.015
Total Expenses  218.590
Gross Profit/Loss  180.425
Balance Sheet Indicators
Fixed Assets  5.461
Current Assets  400.243
- Inventories  0
- Receivables  149.958
- Cash&Accounts  250.285
Shareholders Equity  151.630
Total Debts  254.501

Graphs SILDEDA SRL - VAT 15407216

Description SILDEDA SRL - VAT 15407216

SILDEDA SRL - VAT 15407216 has its headquarters in Ploiesti and was incorporated on the 05/05/2003, having been on the market for 19 years.

According to the latest financial data from 2005, the company reported a turnover of 392.819 RON, a gross profit of 180.425 RON, having a profit margin of +45.93%. The average number of employees for the year 2005 was of 5 persons.

SILDEDA SRL - VAT 15407216 has as its main NACE activity code 4333 - (Floor and wall covering).
ICAP Romania analyzes data about SILDEDA SRL - VAT 15407216 from official data sources, with extensive chronological information spanning back over several years.

Within the icapb2b.ro platform you may access a whole series of specialized reports about the company, as well as a series of specific business information, such as the analysis of the entire market made up of companies whose main object of activity is the NACE code 4333 - (Floor and wall covering).